Wednesday, March 4, 2009

And so it begins

So here's the thing.

I'm Thomas, otherwise known as Bombi for the sake of being confused with the plague of "Toms" throughout the world. I'm studying animation at the Queensland College of Art (sounds more prestigious than "Griffith"), and I've made it to my second year.

It. Is. Fantastic.
Since high school, it feels like I've just been on a huge year-and-a-half holiday. I enjoy it EVEN MORE than playing in the sand pit when I was about knee high.

So there's a number of subjects this year that require us to post regular updates and stuff on a blog. This is that blog. Simple enough I guess.

First cab off the rank is a concept art exercise for pre-production. We had to draw in B&W tones to a theme someone else chose for us. I got "The Moon". I can't say I'm overly proud of any of these, but I must force myself to post them anyway.


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